Stroppel, Alice Stroppel mai precis, este un "guru" pentru cei care lucreaza cu polimer clay. Este o artista complexa, renumita pentru lucrarile si tehnicile sale de lucru cu lutul sintetic, in mod special pentru "canele" cu chip de om.
"Canele" sunt un conglomerat de luturi de diferite culori, pozitionate dupa tehnici anume, astfel incat, la final, obtinem o bucata mare, care taiata in sectiune contine un anumit model.
Ultima "cana" realizata de Alice, denumita "The Stroppel Cane", constituie si o provocare lansata noua, celor care lucram cu lutul. pe siteul central al "Polymer Clay": Mai precis, Alice ar vrea sa vada cam ce ne iese noua, inspirati fiind de modelul ei de "cana". In prima poza aveti "canele" ei si lucrarile realizate cu ele, in urmatoarele "cana" mea si colierul realizat din ea.
Atat am putut,... atat am dat. :)
Stroppel, Alice Stroppel more precisely, is a "guru" for those who work with polymer clay. It is a complex artist, known for his works and techniques of working with clay, synthetic, especially for "Cane" with human face.
"Cane" is a mixture of clays of different colors, namely techniques positioned so that, finally, get a big piece, which contains a section cut in the model.
Last "cup" by Alice, called "The Stroppel Cane" is a new challenge, those who work with clay. the central site of "Polymer Clay": More precisely, Alice would like to see just what comes out new model inspired by her "cup". In the first picture have "Cane" and the work they carried with them on these "channels" and my necklace made of it.
So I could ... so I did. :)
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