miercuri, 1 iunie 2011

Bratara din piele - "Blue eyes"

Bratara de astazi a fost realizata pentru concursul organizat pe forumul platformei Breslo (comunitate a artistilor din toata tara, din care fac parte), concurs care are ca tema "Culoarea muzicii". Mi-a fost inspirata de piesa trupei BZN, "Blue eyes", pe acordurile careia am si conceput-o. Formatia BZN ocupa un loc fruntas in lista mea de preferinte muzicale "oldies but goldies". Bucurati-va si voi de ea! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unzX4OE1O6U

Bratara este lucrata din snururi filiforme din piele neagra, agate bleu si piese din bronz.

The bracelet was made ​​for today's contest platform breslo forum (community of artists from all over the country, they belong), a contest that has the theme "Color Music. " I was inspired by the band BZN song, "Blue Eyes" and the agreements that we conceived. BZN band occupies a leading position in my list of musical preferences "But oldies goldies". Enjoy it and you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unzX4OE1O6U

The bracelet is made ​​of thread-like black leather cords, blue agate and bronze pieces.

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