Bratara de astazi a fost realizata pentru concursul organizat pe forumul platformei Breslo (comunitate a artistilor din toata tara, din care fac parte), concurs care are ca tema "Culoarea muzicii". Mi-a fost inspirata de piesa trupei BZN, "Blue eyes", pe acordurile careia am si conceput-o. Formatia BZN ocupa un loc fruntas in lista mea de preferinte muzicale "oldies but goldies". Bucurati-va si voi de ea!
Bratara este lucrata din snururi filiforme din piele neagra, agate bleu si piese din bronz.
The bracelet was made for today's contest platform breslo forum (community of artists from all over the country, they belong), a contest that has the theme "Color Music. " I was inspired by the band BZN song, "Blue Eyes" and the agreements that we conceived. BZN band occupies a leading position in my list of musical preferences "But oldies goldies". Enjoy it and you!
The bracelet is made of thread-like black leather cords, blue agate and bronze pieces.
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